Things Only K-pop Fans Can Relate To

Ever since the Korean wave hit Singapore’s shores in the early 2000s, K-fans seem to be ever increasing.

With past acts like Big Bang and SHINee performing at the Indoor Stadium, as well as the upcoming Super Junior concert in Singapore, local K-fans are beside themselves with excitement.

Whether you’re a new fan who has just jumped onto the K-pop bandwagon, or someone who has been in the fandom since the beginning, you’ll be able to identify with these 17 experiences that come naturally with being a K-pop fan.

Getting judged by friends when you choose Korean songs at Teo Heng

You’re familiar with the groan of annoyance some of your friends let out when you mumble in broken Korean. And proceed to shout out the few English lyrics with much enthusiasm.

They’d ask “Why do you listen to something you don’t understand?” But really, what’s their problem with Korean songs, when they’re fine with Despacito?

Staying up late to watch everything 

All you wanted to do was know was their names, but now it’s 5.00am, and you’ve binge-watched 25 videos, got in on six inside jokes, and downloaded three new variety shows.

This marks the start of your descent into the fandom.

Welcome to the K-hole, we hope you enjoy your stay because you’re not crawling out of here anytime soon.


Having a separate vocabulary for K-pop

For those who are unfamiliar:

Bias – Your favorite person in a band (one can have a normal bias and an ultimate bias)
Stan – Undying support for a group or an individual in a band
Year-liners/ Liners – Idols born in the same year. For example, some 94-liners would be J-Hope and RM from BTS, Wendy from Red Velvet as well as Jackson and JB from GOT7.
Fighting/Hwaiting: A word of encouragement. Similar to jiayou / good luck
Ageyo – Acting cute

Heck, you’ll probably need a whole dictionary to be able to understand everything.


Going to concerts and wanting your bias to notice you

You’ll wave banners around and throw towels on stage just to get their attention, and if they make eye contact or happen to pick up your towel, you’ll take 500 photos of that one exact moment to keep forever.

Buying fansite merch outside the indoor stadium

Whether you’re attending a concert or casually sleeping outside the concert hall because you’re too broke to afford tickets (aka me), you can’t miss the amount of fansite merchandise being sold outside the venue.

Because of your FOMO, you might even buy a band T-shirt, or a plastic fan with your bias’ face printed on it, just to prove to your fellow fans you were there too.

Constantly waiting for English Subtitles

Ahhh, the pain of not understanding what your bias is laughing at when watching the latest episode of a Korean drama or reality show.

Unfortunately, it’ll take a while before fansites translate what they’re saying. So you’ll bookmark the video link and check back every day for subtitle updates.

In the meantime, you’re probably going to have to figure out what’s going on via contextual clues and body language. Great.


Filling your YouTube history with trash

Almost 80% of your YouTube watch history is filled with ridiculous videos like “BTS Jin yelling for 7 minutes” or “30 minutes of SHINee saying dumb stuff and making weird noises”.

It’s gotten to the point where it’s a little embarrassing to let any of your non-K-pop friends use your Youtube account.

Wishing K-pop was an O-Level subject

Because you know you would pay attention to everything and ace all the quizzes and exams.


Spazzing when you hear your K-pop songs at Bugis street


Filming your own MVs on every bus and MRT ride

You have your earphones plugged in with a Korean ballad blasting through them. Slowly, you lean against the window. Suddenly everything is in monochrome and you’re brought back to the time you had your first crush.

Getting a lot of triggering questions

“This one boy or girl sia?”
“All plastic one la?”
“You cannot read Korean meh? You like K-pop right?”


Running out of phone memory space ‘cause of your K-pop folder

You have your favorite idols set as phone and desktop wallpapers. And because you can’t decide which of the thirty photos to use, your phone constantly reminds you it’s running out of storage.

Having multiple ‘boyfriends’

Because all biases are your ‘boyfriends’ now. And you don’t pick your biases, your biases pick you. Don’t even get me started on your bias wreckers…


Waiting for MV releases

Thank goodness Singapore is only one hour behind Korea. Waiting for the release of most music videos won’t require you to stay up late or wake up at ungodly hours! *silent cheers*

Watching the same MV multiple times for each member

Because you were supposed to watch it for your bias but your eyes just kept following the other members around and now you have to rewatch it again till you know you got them all covered.

God bless all of you who stan SEVENTEEN.

Dragging an unsuspecting victim into the K-pop fandom

The feeling of satisfaction when your friend finally caves and starts sending you K-pop memes. Boomshakalaka baby~

Posting Korean captions on Instagram

Most of the time, these lyrics are taken from your current favorite song. But others don’t have to know that.

Let them think they’re deep inspirational words of wisdom which come from your vast knowledge of all things Korean.

“널 한입에 치즈처럼 집어넣을 테다…”
Translation: I will put you in my mouth like cheese…
#muchsense #suchdeep

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For The Love of K-pop

Through K-pop, you’ve made unconventional friends by bonding over a mutual love for this genre of music. It has entertained you with memes and comforted you on tough days with the silly antics of your idols and relatable song lyrics.

Here’s to more concerts, variety shows and events in Singapore!

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