Street Style Snaps In Singapore
Holiday tunes are ringing non stop in the malls, everywhere is glitter and tinsel but Temasek Polytechnic students are in a dark mood.
In our previous edition we featured students who played with bright and warm colours. This round, we celebrate a generous use of black, patterns and the goth aesthetic.
Khairina Sari (left), @khairinasari and Farah Sudino (right), @licbvn, Design Students
Describe your look?
We just wear however we feel.
Who are your style inspirations?
Our mums.
How’s school going?
Sad, because submission period is here.
Ruo Ting, Design Student, @rxxting
Describe your look?
I’m wearing Topshop cargo pants and a Taobao belt.
What inspires your style?
I like comfortable and simple-to-wear looks. I don’t really consider myself dressed up to be honest.
What is your ambition?
I’m just studying and seeing where it leads me.
Evin (left) and Josh (right), @slp.frzng, Design Students
What inspires your style?
Josh: We wear whatever makes us happy. I’m wearing my own design.
Evin: I like colours and prints. We like ugly as an aesthetic.
Where do you get your clothes from?
We self-make a lot of clothes. But we like to thrift too.
Where’s a good place to thrift?
You can try the sixth floor at Lucky Plaza. Little India and Bugis have good options too, you just have to hunt. We get our accessories from Newzu in Bras Basah.
Danial, Business Student, @dan.mst
Describe your look today?
My shirt is from Uniqlo and I thrifted my pants in JB.
Your necklace seems really unique.
Oh yes, my friend made it for me.
You must be the coolest guy in Business School.
Not really lah, I used to dress like everyone else. Seeing the other students dress up inspired me to find my style.
Chervin Lois, Design Student,
Describe your style?
I’m inspired by punk and goth. Tim Burton is one of my favourite artists.
Oh, I like it too. Nightmare Before Christmas is one of the best movies out there.
I also like Sex Pistols.
Sid Vicious?
Oh my god, you know!
Dzakirin Zharfan, Design Student, @trumanhitam
Don’t you feel hot in that coat?
No, I feel comfortable.
Where did you get it from?
It’s my friend’s.
Do you always dress in black?
Nah, I can be really colourful sometimes. It depends on how I feel really.

Temasek Polytechnic Street Style December 2018 Edition
Interviewing these kids reminded me of when I was unafraid to wear outrageous things that made me feel like me. Maybe I need to do that again.
Hope to spot you at our next Street Style hunt.
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Photography by Sebastian Tan