If you've been feeling the relationship blues and are wondering whether to break up, consider taking a break instead.
Ending a marriage is much more complicated than you think - find out how to file for a divorce in…
For all those that are thinking of chasing your office crush, Lemon8 user @eggwhitey shares the pros and cons of…
If you're in a long distance relationship and worried, take the advice of these Singaporean millennials who've survived an LDR.
If you’re looking to go for a fertility health check, read on for a beginner’s guide to the types, procedures…
From oysters to alcohol, take note of which aphrodisiac food and drink myths are real and fake for your future…
Sometimes, relationships end because of incompatibility, not because there is no more love. This is how to know when to…
Experiencing Rejection When it comes to love, we'd imagine guys to make the first move by confessing their feelings outright.…
We are more in love with the idea of love. This writer shares what he learnt and why unchecked ideals…
This couple was on a dating app with their engagement photo to prove to users that it is possible to…