
These Are The Most Compatible Chinese Zodiacs For Your Star Sign

Chinese zodiac compatibility   

It’s that time of year to look up this year’s predictions for your Chinese zodiac sign, especially for your love life. If your prediction says that you will find love this year, find out which zodiac sign is meant for you. 

Instead of pairing Chinese zodiac signs together, we’ve decided to recommend you potential zodiac matches based off your astrology sign. Let’s be real: most of us are more familiar with the fact that we are Scorpios and Geminis than whether we are Wood Pigs or Metal Snakes. Finding love shouldn’t have to be a math exercise after all!

1. Aquarius (20 January to 18 February) 

Most compatible Chinese Zodiac: Horse 

Since Aquarians typically love freedom, horses are the best match for them. Known as the life of the party, horses know how to live freely and can easily keep up with the wildness of an Aquarius. Horses also enjoy seeking out new experiences, which can keep an Aquarius on their toes. There’s never a boring day in this relationship!

2. Pisces (19 February to 20 March) 

Most compatible Chinese Zodiac: Goat 

Pisces’ should look for someone who will take care of them as much as they take care of others. The empathetic nature of a goat means they will always put others before themselves, which parallels the same tendencies in a Pisces. 

Both zodiacs also have a strong artistic sense, so you can look forward to planning dates that allow you to unleash your creativity together. 

3. Aries (21 March to 19 April) 


Most compatible Chinese Zodiac: Monkey 

As one of the most powerful signs, Arieses need someone who can easily keep up with them, such as those born in the year of the Monkey. Monkeys are extremely fast learners and can easily adapt, complimenting Aries’ fiery passion. Since Arieses tend to be very ambitious, the curious traits of a Monkey will push the fire sign to go along with every one of their ambitions. 

4. Taurus (20 April to 20 May) 

Most compatible Chinese Zodiac: Rooster  

Do you value practicality in a romantic relationship? If you do, you’d be most compatible with the Rooster. As detail-oriented and hardworking individuals, they constantly strive for perfection, so they need someone like a Taurus to ground them. Additionally, Roosters are also very self-assured, which reassures a Taurus’ need for comfort and stability. 

5. Gemini (21 May to 21 June) 

Most compatible Chinese Zodiac: Dog 

Dogs aren’t named man’s best friend for no reason. They are extremely sociable, loyal, and trustworthy which will go hand-in-hand with social butterflies like Geminis. Even though some people may say that Geminis have split personalities, those born in the year of the Dog can handle them by being a constant companion to depend on.  

6. Cancer (22 June to 22 July) 

Most compatible Chinese Zodiac: Pig 

Out of all the astrology zodiac signs, Cancers are known to be the most sensitive. Nurturing and compassionate, they tend to put the happiness of others above their own, so they need a partner that’s equally in touch with their emotions. Those born in the year of the Pig are very kind-hearted and will always help those in need, so they will be your shoulder to cry on when you feel like your emotions are getting too overwhelming.  

7. Leo (23 July to 22 August)

Most compatible Chinese Zodiac: Rat

This natural pairing of the Rat and a Leo is bound to exude major rizz since both zodiacs are known to be naturally charming. Rats are also very intelligent and resourceful, so couple that with the leadership skills of a Leo, and there’s a couple that will be sure to get stuff done. This is the team you want to take on any tasks that need to be completed ASAP. 

8. Virgo (23 August to 22 September)

Most compatible Chinese Zodiac: Ox 

Virgos, if you’re tired of giving your all only to receive nothing in return, look for those born in the year of the Ox. Oxes have a strong work ethic and can always be relied on, which means Virgos can trust them to hold up their end of the deal. In this relationship, both of you can have faith that you will honour and respect each other’s time wholeheartedly. 

9. Libra (23 September to 23 October)

Most compatible Chinese Zodiac: Tiger

Libras are considered to be hopeless romantics who love being in a relationship. They always find balance in life through companionship and are attracted to partners who will sweep them off their feet. Since romantic gestures can be hard to pull off, Libras need a significant other who’s willing to take up that challenge, such as those born in the year of the Tiger. As thrill seekers, they are also courageous and are always willing to try new things to keep their partners satisfied. 

10. Scorpio (24 October to 21 November)

Most compatible Chinese Zodiac: Rabbit

Scorpios are very passionate and captivating towards those around them, so they will easily catch the keen eye of the Rabbit. Rabbits are drawn towards things they consider beautiful, such as the aura of a Scorpio. In this case, opposites attract because compared to the intensity and passion a Scorpio possesses, Rabbits are more gentle and quiet. A match made in heaven if you ask us. 

11. Saggitarius (22 November to 21 December)

Most compatible Chinese Zodiac: Dragon

Saggitariuses are forever optimists with a philosophical outlook on life. As a result, they will be most compatible with the Dragon because Dragons represent power and are not afraid to pursue their dreams, no matter the cost. Sagittariuses always aim to try something new so they will be more than willing to follow their Dragon partner to help them achieve their dreams. 

12. Capricorn (22 December to 19 January) 

Most compatible Chinese Zodiac: Snake

This partnership between a Capricorn and a Snake is an intellectual one, as both signs are known for being wise and deep thinkers. Persevering and ambitious, Capricorns aren’t easily fazed by responsibility, so Snakes can rely on them to take charge of the relationship. Moreover, it’s the year of the snake this CNY, so this relationship will have extra huat since Snakes are among the luckiest signs.

Most compatible Chinese zodiac for each sign 2025 

As usual, don’t take this list to heart and believe what you want to believe. With that, we wish you luck and hope you have a good year ahead! 

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Annika Das

Published by
Annika Das