Dating App Ideas For Singaporeans
Innovation remains a cornerstone of Singapore’s economic development strategies. Hence, 26-year-old Kelly Lim, a Funeral Undertaker who went viral on a ZULA interview, decided to spearhead a customer-centric initiative to increase her market value on dating apps.
In her 6-slide Powerpoint presentation titled ‘Why You Should SWIPE RIGHT’ in Calibri (Body) font size 40, modest but sincere efforts were taken to translate her ideas into practical solutions.
Within hours, the campaign garnered “60% increase” in right-swipes on Tinder, Paktor, OkCupid, Bumble and Coffee Meets Bagel. On Paktor alone, she went from ‘Unlisted’ to rank #42. (Update 21/11: ranked #10)
With her straight-shooter attitude and pantang career choice, Kelly admits some men have been intimidated by her. So, she decided to lay out her cards online to “break the ice” for potential partners.
“Some lawyers are attracted to me because they’re witty. They enjoy the challenge because they know conversations with me won’t just be about shopping at Victoria’s Secret,” Kelly shares.
“Doctors enjoy chatting with me too, mostly because they put the body in the mortuary and I collect the body from the mortuary.”
But apart from burying the dead, Kelly is a spirited woman who is unafraid of breaking gender stereotypes.
If there are no available Uber or Grab promos, Kelly will also offer her assistance as a personal chauffeur.
Overwhelming Response Received
If confidence is key, this ladyboss proves there’s no need to ‘outsource’ if you can maximise your fullest potential with limited resources.
If you wish to negotiate for a merger, interested parties can touch base with Kelly on LinkedIn.
So, what are you waiting for? *opens laptop*