Face Shield Hoodies

As we battle heavy rainfall towards the end of the year, it’s hard to avoid getting soaked when we’re out of the house. Earlier in the year, Japanese brand THANKO came up with a solution for this with their wearable 2-in-1 umbrella raincoat

But if you’re looking for something less chonky, Taiwanese fashion brand iROO has released a series of pastel hoodies that come with a face shield. Not only can these protect your face from the rain, but the combination of face shields and masks have proven to be rather useful in the current pandemic too.

The design


While it looks like a typical hoodie at first glance, the top part has an extendable transparent plastic cover for wearers to be able to shield their face when walking in the rain. Since it covers more than half of the face, this hoodie keeps our masks dry as well — a much-needed feature for both surgical and cloth mask wearers alike. 

face shield hoodies


The hoodies are made of light and breathable material, proving to be comfortable to wear even in this humid Singapore weather. No matter rain or shine, iROO has also stated that the UPF 50+ face shade and eye protection brim are able to block up to 99% of harmful ultraviolet rays. 

face shield hoodies


Additionally, minimalists can enjoy packing this hoodie into a foldable storage bag to conveniently take it with you anywhere you go.

face shield hoodies

Source, source

The hoodies come in 2 designs of short and long to suit your preferences. The longer design resembles a raincoat and is perfect for protecting your whole body from the rain.

face shield hoodies


As the hoodies are translucent, you’ll still be able to flaunt your OOTD without having to remove the extra layer. The longer hoodie also reminds us of a unique dress, serving as a bonus option to make your outfit pop.

face shield hoodies


The hoodies come in 5 pastel colours of dark and light pink, purple, green and white. Its waterproof material prevents water droplets from penetrating the material, all while remaining fashionably chic.

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Face shield hoodies for dogs

face shield hoodies


These hoodies with face shields also remind us of when US pet store brand Pawsmeme came up with a similar raincoat and face shield for dogs. Now you can match your outfit with your furry friends and continue to go on long walks even in the rain. 

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These Pastel Face Shield Hoodies Are Functional & Fashionable During This Pandemic

As of now, these pastel face shield hoodies are only available in Taiwan on ELLESHOP’s website. Hopefully, they’ll make their way to iROO stores in Singapore too, seeing that Singaporeans definitely can make use of these convenient hoodies in the stormy weather. 

Cover: Source, source

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