Free HIV Screening Coupons In December 2019

ICYMI, December is the global AIDS Awareness Month. In view of this, Action for AIDS Singapore (AFA) has partnered with Shy to give out condoms and coupons for anonymous HIV screenings in the entire month of December.

condoms and coupon

Anyone can collect the free condoms and coupons at Cherry Discotheque, Bang Bang Singapore and Get Juiced on these dates:

Cherry Discotheque: Every Friday and Saturday of December 2019
Get Juiced: 13 December 2019
Bang Bang: 18, 20 and 21 December 2019

Aside from HIV, the screening can also test for other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). 

free condoms

The free condoms come with a cute packaging, so your kaypoh mum won’t even realise what she’s looking at if you leave it hanging around your desk. 

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Lower the chances of HIV with PEP

For those who have been exposed to the HIV virus through unprotected sex or broken condoms, PEP is another way of lowering the chances of getting an HIV infection. 

PEP stands for Post-Exposure Prophylaxis, and it is a mix of anti-HIV medication that can help those who are able to take the treatment within 72 hours of the exposure. 

To get your hands on PEP, you need to visit DSC Clinic or the A&E department of any hospital and request for it. You’ll be assessed by a doctor before PEP is prescribed.

According to DSC Clinic, PEP will not be prescribed to you if you have been exposed to the virus for more than 72 hours. 

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Spread The Word For AIDS Awareness Month 

While AIDS and STIs are not commonly talked about, there are about 8,000 people living with HIV in Singapore. According to the Ministry of Health, there were 313 new and reported cases of HIV infections just last year, with the primary mode of transmission being sexual intercourse.

It’s important to get screened for not just HIV but also other STIs. Get your free screening coupon at the clubs this December!

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Images from Shy.