Places With Good-Looking Staff In Singapore

When it comes to customer service, there’s no doubt that the staff makes all the difference. But apart from work skills, some Singaporeans would have noticed that there are certain places in Singapore that also boast good-looking staff all-year round.

And while these staff are no Victoria Secret or Calvin Klein models, their dashing good looks and charming smiles are certainly an extra incentive for us customers. We asked Singaporeans for which places they think have the best-looking staff in Singapore and compiled them in this list here. 

Disclaimer: Whether you agree with this list or not is up to you. It’s all based on word of mouth, and shared in good fun.

1. Sogurt

Good-Looking Staff SingaporeSource

Back in the early 2010s, being a Sogurt girl, aka a Sogirl, automatically meant you’re chio. Since Sogurt was a self-service yogurt store, these girls were tasked with adding the sweet toppings for you behind the counter, and are distinct by their cherry-printed uniforms. 

You could even hire Sogurt event girls just to add a little more fun to your parties. Unfortunately, Sogurt has since closed down all their physical stores across Singapore.

2. Frolick


Another iconic yogurt store that peaked during the yogurt craze in Singapore was Frolick. As they had a store located right in the heart of Bugis+, which was a hot spot for many teenagers, many enjoyed heading there for a sweet tooth fix. 

Frolick was yet another place that fit the yogurt girl stereotype, with many female staff rumoured to have to “look chio” in order to get the job. Like Sogurt, Frolick stores have also closed down islandwide.

3. Sephora


With how atas-looking Sephora is from the outside, we’re not surprised that the staff members are expected to look professional too. As such, we’ve heard that many girls are in awe of the good looks of the makeup artists there. 

We can’t blame them — getting your makeup done while getting a close-up of the staff’s #flawless makeup looks? We’re sold too.

4. Singapore Airlines

Good-Looking Staff SingaporeSource

This next one on the list isn’t a surprise to many. Singapore Airlines’ staff, in particular their cabin crew, have always been known to hire people who are on the pleasant-looking side. After all, if you’re stuck on a long flight and travelling halfway across the world, having a good-looking staff member may ease some of the tiredness away.

As Singapore Airlines is also famous for their strictness on appearance during interviews, many applicants have shared that this boils down to height, weight and facial features.

5. New Urban Male

Good-Looking Staff SingaporeSource

Buff men in slippers and singlets? No, we’re not talking about NSFs. New Urban Male is where the fit and toned males in Singapore were at. While some might call their look a fashion disaster, others might just be distracted by the staff’s massive guns to look at anything else — don’t ask me the colour of anything. 

New Urban Male closed down all its physical stores in the early 2010s. 

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6. Abercrombie & Fitch


If you didn’t manage to bring home a polaroid with the half naked models at Abercrombie & Fitch back when the first Singapore store opened on Orchard Road, you probably missed out. Decked in nothing but red sweatpants and slippers, the models would line up in a long row along Orchard Road — you could even see their abs from miles away.

The models weren’t there every single day, but fans managed to catch them for pictures almost every alternate weekend. Aside from the models, store staff — both guys and girls — were known to be selected based on looks. 

Due to controversy that included racism, the male models stopped in 2015 and Abercrombie & Fitch closed its physical store in 2021. 

7. Foot Locker

Good-Looking Staff SingaporeSource

Here’s a tip-off that surprised us — apparently the male staff at Foot Locker are rumoured to be extra handsome. We’re assuming that this rumour comes from customers seeing the staff up close as they’re helping them try on a new pair of shoes — a little Cinderella-esque moment. 

Despite the staff wearing the exact same jersey uniform that makes them look like football referees, who says they can’t score in the good looks department? 

8. Lululemon


NGL, stepping into a gym filled with incredibly fit-looking people can be a little intimidating. But at Lululemon, staff are rumoured to be both fit and friendly — all while decked in the latest Lululemon collection you’ve been dreaming of getting.

And yes, this theory applies to both the female and male staff there.

9. Red Bull


Picture this: you’re at an event, having fun and chilling with some friends. All of a sudden, a gorgeous girl approaches you and whips out a giant cooler bag shaped like a can of Red Bull. She then offers, “Do you want a Red Bull?”

We’re not exactly sure what the job scope of a Red Bull girl is, but they always seem to be around at popular events — university events included. But with a free can of Red Bull and a kind smile, there’s no way we’re complaining. 

10. Pure Fitness

Good-Looking Staff SingaporeSource, source

CC all my friends: When will I be hyped up the same way Pure Fitness’ trainers are on their Instagram page? With comments filled with emojis of heart eyes, fire and even water droplets, Pure Fitness’ personal trainers are obviously well-loved by their gym users all over Singapore.

After all, if you’re already pushing yourself into grinding so hard at the gym, a little muscular eye candy might just be your motivation to keep going back.  

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These 10 Places In Singapore Are Rumoured To Have Good-Looking Staff

As we’ve compiled this list of places in Singapore that are rumoured to have the best-looking staff, note that these are based on subjective opinions only. After all, how successful a place is isn’t solely dependent on the good looks of their staff. 

Cover: Source, source

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