No one—myself included—likes going through that time of the month. It’s always filled with dread and agony, and every little thing seems to get on my nerves. Not to sound dramatic, but all I want to do is curl up into a ball and hibernate from the rest of the world when I’m on my period.
If there’s one good thing, though, it’s the fact that I’m not alone when struggling with my monthly cycle. I find comfort in knowing that my experience is shared with and understood by so many others. My sentiment was reaffirmed after speaking to 5 women about their experiences of having period struggles, and some tips and tricks they have shared to make themselves feel a tad better during this trying time. I hope this helps you too!
“Since I’ve entered my 30s, my period has stabilised but my cramps have worsened over the years. Just last month, I had some of the worst period cramps in my life. The pain was debilitating and I could not do anything for a whole day!
I also face pre-menstrual discomfort: hot flushes and bloating are some of the most common symptoms, so I try to take things easy and stay positive. To ease the bloat, I take more prebiotics and drink more water. Exercising and walking help too.”
— Anthia, 31
“I get really bad cramps on the first and second day of my period, so I usually need to take painkillers that are stronger than a regular Pandaol.
It’s worse when I’m dancing as I move around a lot, which means my pad doesn’t stay in place. I avoid dancing when my cramps are bad, but when I need to, I take painkillers and wear a tampon. Besides the pain, chocolates and sweet treats help to boost my mood and make me feel better.”
— Alicia, 28
“I usually get really cranky, tired, and uncomfortable during my period. Plus, my intimate area becomes extra sweaty and uncomfortable, especially when I dance, so I use a feminine wash in the shower after my practice.
Making sure my intimate area is extra clean, regularly changing pads, and giving myself downtime in the morning help a lot. When I feel clean, I always feel much better.”
— Paula, 24
“My cramps are so bad that I won’t even be able to stand up. Leaking is a common occurrence for me as my flow is very heavy. This is why I use the 45cm pad for the first 3 days of my period, but they are pricier than a regular pad.
I also try to avoid drinking tea as I’ve noticed that consuming caffeine during the days leading up to and on my period makes the cramps terrible. Working out really helps too—ever since I’ve started Body Fit Training (BFT), my cramps have become more manageable.”
— Faith, 28
“I try not to take painkillers, but my cramps can be so bad that my face turns pale. I also have to deal with breakouts before and during my period, and I feel lethargic most of the time.
I usually take supplements and opt for warm drinks and broth-based meals to make myself feel better. I do a lot of stretches to release the pain in my back and pelvic muscles as well!”
— Gladys, 27
If you, like many of us, suffer from discomfort during your period, one key thing you can do is keep yourself feeling fresh and clean with a feminine wash.
For the uninitiated, douching and using a feminine wash are two different habits. Douching involves cleaning out the inside of your vagina with a mixture of water and vinegar, which is not what I am trying to advocate. The vagina is a self-cleaning organ, so if you think about it, douching is actually unnecessary!
Using a feminine wash, on the other hand, is just like cleaning your body with soap, but it is formulated with gentle ingredients that suit the pH of your vagina.
You may be wondering why using a feminine wash is important, and the reason is as simple as ABC: it prevents odour⁵ that cannot be eliminated with just water. Plus, using a body soap that contains harsh chemicals may irritate the vulvar skin.
Don’t worry if these are all news to you. Lactacyd is a great place to start as their feminine washes are readily available at your nearest supermarkets and drugstores.
Their washes are created with organic ingredients⁴, which makes them gentle on your skin for daily use. Bonus points for them being dermatologist-tested and hypoallergenic products³ too!
There are four types of Lactacyd products to choose from, depending on your needs: Odor Fresh, All Day Care, Pearl Intimate, and Soft & Silky. FYI, they contain natural milk extracts² that nourish your skin and prevent any itch or irritation¹.
The things we can do to manage our period pain are limited, but there are small ways you can make yourself feel better. This is your sign to get your own bottle of Lactacyd and see the wonders they do—you can thank us later.
This post was brought to you by Lactacyd.
Photography by Jaslyn Tan.
Responses have been edited for brevity and clarity.
1. Internal Data (Lactacyd FH Wash as an adjunct to standard treatment)
2. Internal Data (CSD 100% Milk Extract)
3. Chan, GP(2019) SHAPE.
4. Internal Data (Lactic Acid organic label)
5. Ipsos. (2016). Quantitative home use test for Lactacyd products.
6. Chen et al. 2017. Women’s Health, Vol. 13(3) 58–67.
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