
22% Of Singaporeans Surveyed Revealed They Spy On Their Partner’s Phones, More Males Than Females Do It

Spying On Partner’s Phone

If you watched Netflix’s movie Missing when it trended last year, you would’ve discovered how easily one can track a person’s location in this digital age, thanks to phone features like “Find My iPhone.” While most people use these features for legitimate reasons, some abuse the system and use them to spy on their partners’ behaviour instead. 

According to a recent survey conducted by cybersecurity company Kaspersky, 22% of surveyed Singaporeans admitted to spying on their partners’ movements.

The survey

Spying On Partner’s PhoneSpying On Partner’s Phone

Among 1,000 Singaporeans who participated in the survey, 42% confessed to installing monitoring spyware on their partner’s phone to track their movements. In terms of sex, 39% of the male respondents admitted to doing so, while 25% of the females did the same. 

Alarmingly, 22% admitted to stalking their partner to see if their words aligned with their whereabouts. They used digital tools such as social media updates, tracking spyware, and location-tracking apps. 

Since such apps and software can also be easily installed without one’s notice, it’s not surprising to learn that 43% of the respondents are concerned about falling victim to such spyware. 

To make matters worse, many of these spyware apps are designed to remain concealed from the phone user. Basically, they are invisible apps on your phone. Yikes.

Meanwhile, 25% of the respondents shared that they have experienced some form of online stalking from their partners. This includes being filmed or photographed without consent (16%), having their social media and email accounts hacked (9%), and receiving spam messages (13%). 


Such behaviours suggest a lack of trust among couples, resulting in either party feeling insecure, and resorting to installing malicious software to monitor their partner’s behaviour. 

As a result of such digital abuse, victims can suffer from serious psychological issues, such as low self-esteem, depression, and anxiety. Over time, it could even lead to post-traumatic stress disorder. 

While there are anti-spyware tools to prevent and combat digital abuse, the best solution is always to remind yourself that trust is the foundation of any relationship. Respecting one’s privacy and communicating with an open mind is also a good formula. 

These Results Show That Many Singaporeans Are Subjected To Digital Abuse 

In today’s digital age, the risk of experiencing digital abuse and surveillance from a partner through spyware and location-tracking apps is significant. To prevent such unpleasant experiences, explore relationship tips from couples who’ve been together for 10 years or more

Cover: TheSmartLocal

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Jou Teng Tan

I love bubble tea and serving tea.

Published by
Jou Teng Tan
Tags: datingsurvey