In Spring 2007, there was the Louis Vuitton ‘China Town’ shopping bag. In Spring 2010, there was the Hermes Nasi Lemak-inspired bag.
Now, Balenciaga has come up with their version (albeit a glorified one) of the ‘blanket bag’—the packaging we usually throw out after removing the actual product—for Spring 2017. And yes, they’re called ‘Blanket Square’ for real.
A few months ago, their striped ‘Bazar Shopper’ was also trending on social media for its remarkable similarity to a Thai carrier bag.
It seems like Pasar Malams and Mustafa might be the next high fashion inspiration.
And the internet loves it. I mean, really. Just take a look at the comments:
If high fashion is all about making a statement, then these guys sure nailed it.
Now you can dress like your favourite idols.
Now we know what Kim Soo Hyun smells like.
Calling all mid and plus-size girlies!
Maybe being single isn't that bad after all.
LDRs just got easier.
It's a sign to get new shoes.