
This Boba Bottle Looks Aesthetic AF For BBT Addicts Who Want To Save The Earth

Boba Bottle For Bubble Tea Addicts

There has been countless talk about eco-friendly bubble tea tumblers, cup holders and straws, but nobody has come up with a spill-proof bottle for bubble tea until now. The Boba Bottle by BobaMate looks just like any other water bottle, except it’s specially made for your daily bubble tea run.

boba bottleboba bottle

The bottle is clear and comes with a black lid. Each bottle is around 24 ounces, which is around 700ml—that’s the size of a large cup at Koi! 

bottle strawbottle straw

Made with BPA-free plastic, the Boba Bottle comes with a detachable straw right in the middle for you to reach all those pearls at the bottom. Its curved-in base is also designed such that the pearls will be pushed to the middle, right where your straw is. Say goodbye to taking your BBT straw on a merry-go-round ride every time you’re almost done with your drink.

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holder boba bottle

The Boba Bottle is meant to act as a regular water bottle even on days you have no plans for bubble tea, so there’s a convenient holder for you to carry it around.



To make your bubble tea barista’s day, tell them they can use the bottle as an actual shaker, so they’ll have one less thing to wash. 

The bottle is designed by Taiwanese-American Galina Lang, who used to work as a part-timer at a boba tea store. At that point in time, the student also worked on a college research paper about plastic pollution. 

Galina got the inspiration for the Boba Bottle when she gave up on bringing her reusable cup and straw on her boba tea runs because they were simply too bulky. Hence, she came up with this design for a regular water bottle that could also store bubble tea. 

Pledge For The Boba Bottle To Help Reduce Plastic Cups

Bubble tea addicts, this is your chance to help reduce plastic cups and straws at your favourite BBT shop. BobaMate is now in its pre-sale phase, so head to its website and place your pre-orders. 

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All images: Source

Liu Kai Ying

I like cute things.