Check out this range of food pun bags inspired by luxury fashion labels from The Cool Hunter’s online store.
Most of us will have to work for multiple lifetimes to save up for an actual Hermès Birkin bag. A tub of hummus, however, we can easily afford. Somewhere in between are these high SES-looking grocery bags with satirical graphics inspired by our favourite luxury labels.
Other brands parodied include Off-White, Valentino, Burberry and Balenciaga.
Each bag retails for US$55 (~S$77) and measures 35cm wide, 45cm tall and 45cm deep, providing ample space for your next grocery trip. There is a flat shipping fee to Singapore for US$20 (~S$28).
Each bag has an inside pocket to fit your keys or small items. The bag has waterproof lining to protect your belongings on rainy days.
Made of heavy-duty jute canvas, the bag will hold up to 3kg securely. It will easily fit your laptop or tablet for working on the go. The cherry on top is the leather handle for a soft and luxurious touch, not unlike an actual Balenciaga bag, for a fraction of the price.
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These food pun bags from The Cool Hunter are a tongue-in-cheek way of celebrating our passion for food and fashion. And who knows, you might even hang up your actual Louis Vuitton for ‘Louis Wonton’ after using the bag because it is more practical for daily use.
All images: Source
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