Many Singaporeans have the misconception that feng shui is only applicable to an individual’s success, health, and happiness. Surprisingly, it turns out that rearranging your furniture and creating the right environment based on feng shui can actually make room for love and romance in your life as well.
To welcome positivity and potential romantic relationships this Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day, learn about feng shui tips as shared by master Cliff Tan.
As a rule of thumb, master Cliff Tan claims that you have to love yourself before you can love others. This is why creating the right environment to support your mental health is essential prior to entering a relationship.
For starters, you can set up a sitting area in your room to read, meditate, and take a moment for yourself ‒ basically, acknowledging your emotional needs.
For the unacquainted, feng shui is about striking a balance and seeking harmony in the space around you ‒ the same goes for love. To create this sense of balance, you can either position your furniture to have space on both sides of your bed or place bedside tables and table lamps on each side.
No worries, if you don’t have space in your room to do so. You can still place the bed in a corner, but instead, make use of furniture like a loveseat or two chairs to represent space for two.
In order to welcome someone new into your romantic life, you’ll have to make room for them. As a way to manifest this, declutter and tidy your room to prepare for new beginnings.
Not only will an organised room encourage positive energy to flow freely and stay within your area, but it will also make your living space more enjoyable.
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Don’t underestimate the power of creating a romantic atmosphere using soft, warm lighting and candles. By incorporating such elements in your room, you create a warm and inviting atmosphere that reminds you of love.
If you’re unsure of the colour choices, go for the colour of love aka pink, and consider matching your bedding and room accessories with similar shades.
Whether it is a rose crystal, flowers, or a photo of the Eiffel Tower, place any objects that remind you of love in a corner visible from the bed, and deep inside the room away from the entrance. Known as the Love Corner, creating this private space will remind you of the beauty of love, attracting positive energy.
Admit it ‒ it’s hard to bring yourself to store or throw away gifts and photos of your exes, especially if they hold precious memories. However, you might want to put them away because they interfere with your space, and hold you back from starting afresh.
Without them in sight, you can move on from the heaviness of your past relationships and begin a new one in 2024.
If being in a romantic relationship is one of your 2024 New Year’s resolutions, consider following these feng shui tips to increase your romance luck. Hopefully, by doing so, lonely singletons will meet a special someone later this year.
Cover: Images courtesy of TheSmartLocal
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